Website Wednesday: Travellerspoint

If you’re an avid traveler, it can be difficult to keep up with details on everywhere you’ve been. You know you went to the United Kingdom, but was the great little pub with the live music in Glasgow or Dublin? Did you take the hike to the tide pools on St. Croix or Bonaire? And what year did you ride the train through Spain? Was it Spain?

The more we travel (and the older we get), the more we want to chronicle all of the terrific little details that make each trip so special. To do this, we use Travellerspoint. According to the website, “The goal of Travellerspoint is to create an international meeting point for travellers worldwide, whether they are planning their travels, currently travelling or have returned from their travels and want to stay in touch with (or find) those travel friends they met while travelling in the past.”

Here’s a look at Mike’s Travellerspoint map:

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You can log onto the site to see all of the trips we’ve taken, each of which are chronicled in their own posts along with photos, videos, tips, and deals. You’ll also see our upcoming trips that are in the works. And, best of all, you can create a free account of your own to track past adventures and plan new ones!